
Rabu, 25 Desember 2013

Japanese Translator in Jakarta

Japanese language translator who is under the auspices of a service bureau Anindyatrans always work professionally. In the translation process, the translators always follow several steps. The stages include the following:

1. Preparation of material translation
At this stage, the translator prepared the material to be translated. In addition, some supporting references such as dictionaries and reference books also need to be prepared. Dictionaries are prepared to be adapted to the material to be translated. For example, if the material to be translated in the form of a legal document, the translator must prepare a legal dictionary and a variety of supporting references. Similarly, if the translator had to translate scientific documents or material in the form of research, they should prepare a dictionary or glossary of scientific as physics, chemistry, biology, and others.

2. Analysis
At this stage, the translator must learn as well as analyzing the source material to be translated. Translators must understand the context of the source language and the style of language used. In addition, the translator must also understand who the client is and what the purpose of the document to be translated. By knowing the background and purpose of translation, the translator can customize the style of language that he will use in translation. For example, if the goal is for the benefit of a formal translation, the style of language used should also be standardized and formal. However, if the translation for commercial purposes, such as magazine articles translation, casual style and formal language can be used.

3. Translation
After analyzing the source language, a translator can begin the process of translation to translate the translation material. Transfer the process is done accurately with attention to the message and meaning of the lines in the source document. Translators will look for an appropriate match for each word used.

4. Editing
After all finished material is translated, the translator will edit material that has been translated. Translators will be carefully reviewing the entire matter, ranging from the typo (typographical error) to review the accuracy of the context of the source language of the translation. If discrepancies are found between the source language and the translation, the translator will soon revise it. This editing process is done carefully, and after the completion of the translation can be delivered to the client.

With the translation stage as mentioned above, Japanese translator who joined in Anindyatrans always, produce high quality translation results. That is why if you want to translate documents from various fields, do not hesitate to use the services of Japanese translators of the service bureau. Visit the website for more information http://japanesetranslatorinjakarta.blogspot.com/

Selasa, 15 Januari 2013


In support the need of Interpreting (verbal translation) services, especially to meet legal requirement for non Indonesian citizen related to Law Enforcement in Indonesian jurisdiction; there has been a mutual understanding between Registered Legal Entity in providing Certified & Authorized Translation Service and several institutions such as Regional Police Metro Jakarta, , District Attorney Office, KPK (Corruption Eradication Commission) and District Courts. We CV Anindyatrans ensure ability and accuracy of Interpreting service, by examining Biodata of each and every interpreter proposed to above listed institutions. And keep all references them as record. Ensure to provide fair service at fair rate for those who require interpreting services. Issue Letter of Assignment for each Interpreter being assigned to mentioned institutions and other related agencies. And responsible for interpreting service being delivered by interpreter, and if deem necessary, interpreter shall be take an oath to perform interpreting correctly and sign at the Minutes of Examination / Investigation Report. Among other thing Interpreters a. Shall only interpret every word/sentence being said, stated by the party being interpreted. Shall NOT giving opinions, including but not limited to comments of questions being asked by investigators / law enforcement officers.
NOTE : Repeated questions by the investigators are probably their strategy to obtain the truth. Interpreters shall only keep repeating same questions. Do their best to avoid summarizing answer, except when is required by officers. And shall not discuss other topic other than question being asked by the officer, minimize, limit or restrict social / personal conversation during investigation. Shall NOT involved into legal case being examine / investigated. Proper attired as formal dress. It has been agreed by all related parties and implemented in above listed institution and shall be further discussed and defined for broader implementation.